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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Under A Steel Sky

Created: 2023-01-13 01:29:55 Last Edited: 2023-02-20 21:08:06
  Submitted by: Richard Fluiraniz M. on behalf of LIFESAJOURNEY
Star System:Pludgu QK-F d11-0
Coordinates:-3898.03 / -2337.69 / -3935.94
Sol Distance: 6,012.57 ly
Region:Elysian Shore
Category:Tourist Beacons
Category:Planetary Features
 Explorer Rating
(17 votes, 2.82 avg.stars)

Part of the Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign of 3307, this tourist beacon features an ELW orbiting a neutron star. At a depth of -2,338 ly, visitors can see all of the region's nebulae in the sky.


This system with an Earth-like world orbiting a neutron star was originally discovered by CMDR LIFESAJOURNEY, and went unremarked for quite a while. It saw increased traffic when Sidewinder Syndicate used it as a waypoint during their "Key to the Heart" expedition.

Later on, in 3307, the system achieved more fame and publicity when it was among the fifty Earth-like worlds chosen during the Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign to host a Tourist Beacon. Following the announcement of the chosen candidates, an officially sanctioned Saud Kruger - Astrogator Tours tourist beacon was deployed in the system.

This system lies 2,338 light-years below the galactic plane: in order to reach it, a minimum jump range of 60 ly is required. Pilots are advised to stock up on jump boost synthesis materials, as while the surrounding areas are rich in neutron stars, there are comparatively few main sequence stars. It's also recommended to check possible routes twice and always keep an eye on fuel levels, to avoid getting stuck on the way to the system - or on the way back.

However, explorers who successfully navigate here will also be rewarded with the majestic sight of the Milky Way from far below the galactic plane.

The tourist beacon that was set up after the Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign transmits the following message:


The location was identified by Commander Shakalx 3 who made the following observations: The first planet of this system is an Earth-like world, bathed in both the splendour of the whole galaxy and the hard radiation of its parent Neutron star. Despite this unlikely neighbour, surface conditions allow for human habitation with minimal protective gear. This location was surveyed by the Scouting initiative and previously visited by Sidewinder Syndicate during the Key to the Heart expedition.

Both Saud Kruger and Astrogator Tours extend their thanks to Commander Shakalx 3 for contributing to the success of this initiative.

ID64 Address:9671591907
EDSM ID:30484895

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Tater Salad  2,513.98  2.98  Sleguae NA‑H c13‑22 
Rhadamanthus's Eye  2,521.41  6.68  Gludgoea AA‑A e25 
Mimir's Inferno  2,771.81  5.15  Eitosts TO‑O d7‑0 
Xeplýnete  2,809.41  3.19  Scheau Phoe ZB‑B ... 
Ben Uaine  2,903.70  4.27  Phaa Ain GG‑N d7‑29 
Peppermint Stripes  3,246.86  4.78  Oochody AA‑Y c17‑1 
Two in Tow  3,418.07  3.08  Gludgoe DU‑E c25‑5 
Dual Eden  3,436.79  2.20  Hegoi RR‑H b37‑4 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
The Racetrack  1,532.82  N/A  Slegou LU‑N b21‑0 
Moore‑Nauenberg  1,864.93  N/A  Phroea Phoe RD‑S ... 
A Heart of Gold  2,090.24  N/A  Sleguae HH‑C d67 
NGC 869  2,246.20  N/A  NGC 869 LAV 1101 
NGC 663 Open Cluster  2,265.98  N/A  NGC 663 Sector YJ... 
Phi Cassiopeiae  2,311.47  N/A  Phi Cassiopeiae 
Elysian Eye Deep Dive  2,338.87  N/A  Pludgo VL‑C d13‑0 
NGC 659 Open Cluster  2,350.34  N/A  NGC 659 Sector BG... 
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