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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Revision for Under A Steel Sky

Previous Revision, by Richard Fluiraniz M. [2023-01-13 01:29:55]Selected revision, by Richard Fluiraniz M. [2023-02-20 16:02:54]
Under A Steel SkyUnder A Steel Sky
Pludgu QK-F d11-0Pludgu QK-F d11-0
Tourist BeaconsTourist Beacons
Planetary FeaturesPlanetary Features
Elysian ShoreElysian Shore
Part of the Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign in 3307, this tourist beacon features an ELW orbiting a neutron star. At a height of -2,338, visitors can see all the ELysian Shore nebulae in the sky.Part of the Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign in 3307, this tourist beacon features an ELW orbiting a neutron star. At a height of -2,338, visitors can see all the ELysian Shore nebulae in the sky.

Originally discovered by CMDR LIFESAJOURNEY, this Earth like world remained quite untouched until

Will finish this later - Richard

Originally discovered by CMDR LIFESAJOURNEY, this Earth like world remained quite untouched until the Sidewinder Syndicate started doing exploration efforts. It consists in of a neutron star system that has a well illuminated Earth-like world with a Saud Kruger - Astrogator Tours oficially sanctioned tourist beacon; making it a legitimate tourist destination.

The Galaxy as seen 2337.69 units bellow the galactic plane

The big amount of dust clouds that encompass the majority Elysian Shore creates a "steel sky" effect which encompass an already gorgeous sight of the entire region from bellow. Albeit pretty,this sector is not without its dangers, in order to reach this location it is required that the ship has a minimum range of * 60 ly * and some spare jumponium charges to reach scoopable stars as the region is rich in neutrons but lacks many main sequence stars. It is not only recommended to be careful reaching the destination, but also to be mindful of not getting stuck in the neighboring stars thanks to the many neutrons around.

The region height of this POI was discovered in the second Sidewinder Syndicate Expedition "Key to the Heart" which followed another miscellaneous expedition "Gigachad"; the later only remains in the memories of explorers long gone.

Under A Steel Sky features a tourist beacon that was set up after the Saud Kruger Exploration Campaign in 3307, which contains the following description:


The location was identified by Commander Shakalx 3 who made the following observations: The first planet of this system is an Earth-like world, bathed in both the splendour of the whole galaxy and the hard radiation of its parent Neutron star. Despite this unlikely neighbour, surface conditions allow for human habitation with minimal protective gear. This location was surveyed by the Scouting initiative and previously visited by Sidewinder Syndicate during the Key to the Heart expedition.

Both Saud Kruger and Astrogator Tours extend their thanks to Commander Shakalx 3 for contributing to the success of this initiative.

Commander Shakalx 3 was part of a later effort to expeditions known as the Sidewinder Syndicate Scouting Initiative which revisited the Elysian Shore and many other locations for documenting, exploration and generally

The Scouting Initiative was and effort conducted by CMDR Richard Fluiraniz M. and many great volunteers on 3307. It consisted in the creation of "assigments" that led to the concept and creation and renewal of POI's across the board in order to incentivize tourism and exploration of less popular locations. This POI symbolizes an effort that still goes on to this day, albeit without a definite name, but with still brave explorers who go thousands of light years to take the right picture from the right location.

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