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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Between the Rings

Created: 2022-05-09 12:36:45 Last Edited: 2022-11-23 16:20:23
  Submitted by: Orvidius
Star System:Mynoaw LC-L d8-1429
Coordinates:4667.41 / -896.406 / 18898
Sol Distance: 19,486.5 ly
Region:Norma Arm
Category:Planetary Features


Located in the Mynoaw nebula, this system contains a ringed moon that has a stunning view of it's parent planet's rings.


The Mynoaw nebula contains many visual wonders. Located relatively close to the galactic core, it is a large nebula containing perhaps thousands of stars. So it is of little surprise that it can be a stunning backdrop to a variety of scenic locations.

This little moon (body "A 3 a") is one such place. A ringed moon of a ringed gas giant, it manages to capture a very nice view of the giant's rings despite the size of its orbit, due to the rather large rings of the parent planet. This moon likely has interesting views from a variety of locations, as the nebulae creates a an appealing backdrop in the sky, from multiple directions.

On approach:

From the ground:

As an additional note, the third primary star is a good example of the so-called "small" red giants.

ID64 Address:49111533179083
EDSM ID:69521955
Nice view
Nice view
Uploaded by Orvidius

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Singularities' Playground  945.70  6.68  Mynoaw AA‑A h26 
Blue Button planetary nebula  1,688.85  4.07  Eord Prau MS‑T e3... 
Eord Prau AA‑A h12 nebula ...  1,699.33  3.60  Eord Prau YP‑N d7... 
Eorl Auwsy AA‑A h72 nebula...  2,058.93  3.60  Eorl Auwsy LX‑Z c... 
Guardian Ruins ‑ Eorl Auws...  2,071.47  3.66  Eorl Auwsy SY‑Z d... 
Void Hearts of Epiphany  2,126.30  7.34  Shrogaae KK‑A d983 
Poseidon and Amphitrite  2,159.32  3.19  Eord Ploe ZE‑A f267 
Rubia  2,743.04  5.83  Dryoea Prao FH‑S ... 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Mynoaw Nebula  61.76  N/A  Mynoaw NY‑K b37‑55 
Lesser Mynoaw Nebula  341.36  N/A  Mynoaw TK‑S c19‑105 
Gardens of the Galaxy  814.63  N/A  Eeshorps ES‑A d14... 
Singularities Playground  945.70  N/A  Mynoaw AA‑A h26 
Bizarro Moon  1,080.23  N/A  Mynoaw PZ‑W d2‑246 
Eeshorps Nebula  1,358.07  N/A  Eeshorps FG‑F b43‑21 
The Eord Prau Stellar Forge  1,379.51  N/A  Eord Prau LN‑T e3... 
Huggins Nebulae  1,454.67  N/A  Whambooe GW‑W e1‑66 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
HFF‑77Q  La Bella Ciao  2024‑08‑07 23:42:22 
Messages for this POI:
Reason:Comment2023-10-30 14:36:21
Visually interesting from space but worth noting that landing on A 3 A is Odyssey only.
Replies: 0Visibility: Public 
Reason:Praise2022-05-09 14:13:24
Absolutely stunning!!
Replies: 0Visibility: Public 
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