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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Viridian Solitude

★ RARE ★
Created: 2025-02-10 20:41:51 Last Edited: 2025-02-10 23:25:36
  Submitted by: VorpalDeer on behalf of Melvin Carter
Star System:Dryooe Flyou XS-Z c14-199
Coordinates:-9042.44 / -873.906 / 18789.8
Sol Distance: 20,870.7 ly
Region:Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm
Category:Green Gas Giants


A subtle Green Gas Giant, displaying only three small islands of bright green clouds.


The fourth planet of this system is a Class I Green Gas Giant that appears largely beige. However, on closer inspection, small bands of pink clouds can be seen at its equator. One of those contains three even smaller areas of bright green.

Although mostly unremarkable, this giant is on the direct path between Colonia and Sol, making it an easy stop for people who wish to visit all Green Gas Giants.

ID64 Address:54769388691842
EDSM ID:81823424

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Evelyn's Light  730.56  6.55  Evelyn's Light 
Black Lightning  846.11  5.35  Dryio Flyuae KM‑W... 
Monde de la Mort/World of ...  1,098.06  7.85  Spoihaae XE‑X d2‑9 
Colonia  1,129.81  6.97  Colonia 
Glow Bug Giant  1,136.57  6.73  Eol Prou KW‑L c8‑32 
Metztli, Tranquility  1,138.74  3.81  Metztli 
Three and a Crown  1,244.70  3.96  Eol Prou AA‑A h112 
Snow White and the Five Dw...  1,360.96  3.85  Eoch Pruae MM‑W e... 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Celestia and Luna  439.34  N/A  Dryio Flyuae KC‑V... 
Sugar Stick  580.03  N/A  Dryooe Flyou XE‑Q... 
Bartender Nebula  586.48  N/A  Dryooe Flyou YT‑A... 
Scrithworld  711.42  N/A  Dryio Flyuae AL‑X... 
The Blue Louse  844.90  N/A  Dryio Flyuae HC‑U... 
Ghalatis  909.95  N/A  Eoch Pruae BP‑A d994 
Eoch Trio  911.85  N/A  Eoch Pruae CA‑Z d832 
Braeburn Nebula  985.66  N/A  Dryio Flyuae QZ‑O... 
Messages for this POI:

Revision History:

 Edited By  Edited Date 
 CMDR Marx   2025-02-10 23:25:36 
 CMDR Marx   2025-02-10 23:25:03 
 VorpalDeer  2025-02-10 20:41:51 
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