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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Sulphuric Sisters of Systimbau

Created: 2023-06-26 20:16:30 Last Edited: 2023-06-26 21:06:20
  Discovered and Submitted by: Notso F. Obvious
Star System:Systimbau UF-E d12-8416
Coordinates:-4638.22 / -801.719 / 28159.3
Sol Distance: 28,550 ly
Region:Odin's Hold
Category:Sights and Scenery


A close pair of rocky moons, one of them with a thick sulphur dioxide atmosphere.


The second planet of this system is orbited by a rocky planet enveloped by a thick sulphur dioxide atmosphere (2 b) and its airless moon (2 b a). The latter also shows an abundance of Sulphur, which can be found all over the surface, together with lots of geologicals. 2 b a takes only 4.5 hours to orbit 2 b, which covers most of the sky, always watching its little sister closely.

ID64 Address:289181062239339
EDSM ID:80864789

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 0
 Past Week: 0
 Total: 1

EDSM Estimated Value

 Scanned: 176,009
 Mapped: 578,236

Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
The Dandelion Anomaly  776.86  5.96  Systimbau AA‑A h63 
Pythia's Chasm of Prophecy  1,772.55  5.16  Phroi Pruae AA‑A ... 
Coco Melon  1,852.89  5.19  Dryi Chrea MS‑T e... 
Erebus Eden  2,239.97  2.81  Dryaa Blou AA‑A g... 
The White Crown  2,612.44  5.18  Umbaiss AA‑A h641 
Timeless Gate  2,692.88  5.56  Dryio Bloo EG‑Y g145 
Tricone Crucible  2,695.73  3.70  Eok Blou FG‑Y g1252 
Yellow Fever  2,848.62  2.14  Umbaiss OT‑Q e5‑1308 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
The Dandelion Anomaly  776.86  N/A  Systimbau AA‑A h63 
The Azure Venn Nebula  1,032.07  N/A  Systimbo ZK‑P e5‑... 
The Dewdrop Nebula  1,054.41  N/A  Systimbo ZA‑O e6‑... 
The Creeper Nebula  1,556.44  N/A  Phroi Pruae VU‑P ... 
Lava Ball Nebula  1,759.04  N/A  Juenoi XY‑S e3‑2780 
Algriel  1,811.64  N/A  Juenoea BL‑P e5‑2417 
Stardust Depot  1,917.49  N/A  Eord Blou FL‑P e5... 
Aruna's Sanctum  1,947.95  N/A  Dryio Bloo SJ‑Z e... 
Messages for this POI:
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