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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Quartet's Tiny Secret

Created: 2023-04-27 08:01:30 Last Edited: 2023-04-27 21:14:31
  Submitted by: Electro522 on behalf of CMDR Diana Valeyorant
Star System:Dryooe Priae JM-C d19
Coordinates:-19817.8 / -198.562 / 20697.7
Sol Distance: 28,656.2 ly
Region:Orion-Cygnus Arm
Category:Planetary Features


An Ammonia moon that, along with its parent High Metal Content Planet, orbits four stars in a double binary system.


The arrival point for the system is over a class F star. There are three other stars here: two class M red dwarf stars, and a class K yellow-orange star.

The main star itself has one lonely Metal Rich world only 66 ls out, and one of the red dwarfs has an asteroid belt.

However, the entire system of four stars is orbited by two High Metal Content Worlds. The first one of these is what parents the Ammonia Moon.

Ammonia Worlds are nothing new to any regular explorer, however, they are often worlds that orbit nothing but their parent star(s). If they do happen to be a moon, they typically orbit a much larger gas giant.

Yet, this happens to be a rare exception. Not only is this moon only about three times the size of Earth's own Moon, the parent planet is just slightly larger than Earth itself. The rarity is only compounded by the fact that these planets co-orbit four stars.

There isn't anything else visually striking about the system, unfortunately, and it offers hardly anything in the way of resources.

ID64 Address:659168383363

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 0
 Past Week: 0
 Total: 2

EDSM Estimated Value

 Scanned: 199,668
 Mapped: 654,256

Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Terra & Luna Vitae  1,453.75  5.16  Eorgh Priae HL‑C ... 
Pyramus and Thisbe  4,214.04  4.27  Phrooe Flye CA‑K ... 
Crucible's Harvest  4,645.33  7.04  Phoo Flaae CA‑A f1 
Xochitli's Rest  5,206.51  4.26  Wembaei UM‑A b57‑4 
The Quadrumvirate of Thebes  5,471.86  4.75  Greou Eaescs XP‑U... 
Lighthouse of Lemnos  6,603.35  5.71  Floasly TE‑X d2‑25 
Moonraker  7,097.98  4.04  Floalk JH‑Z c15‑13 
Vulcan's Reach  7,246.84  6.35  Bya Phla VE‑H d10‑16 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Ooscs Froa Planetary Nebula  448.18  N/A  Ooscs Froa XE‑R e4‑5 
Eorgh Priae Planetary Nebula  1,105.13  N/A  Eorgh Priae TZ‑O ... 
Kyloanns Planetary Nebula  2,174.94  N/A  Kyloanns OZ‑O e6‑28 
The Impossible Quintet  2,251.42  N/A  Agnaiw AA‑A h49 
DSSA Shield of Meridia  2,486.61  N/A  Whanu KU‑V b17‑0 
Karmeliet  2,661.26  N/A  Screakoi WO‑G c11‑1 
Reclining Rings  2,867.88  N/A  Kyloanns TF‑D d13‑60 
Thanatos  3,140.27  N/A  Hypo Scroe GK‑R d4‑3 
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