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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
The Chained Beast

Created: 2022-10-16 21:14:41 Last Edited: 2022-10-17 00:16:56
  Submitted by: Orange on behalf of Anuranium
Star System:HD 191612
Coordinates:-6375.16 / 138.906 / 1909.44
Sol Distance: 6,656.42 ly
Region:Inner Orion Spur
Category:Stellar Features
 Explorer Rating
(17 votes, 3.94 avg.stars)

HD 191612 is the only known system with an F-class supergiant star that's in a planetary orbit around another star.


Located in the Western portion of the Inner Orion Spur, HD 191612 appears to be an ordinary O-class star when viewed on the galaxy map. However, visitors to the star will be amazed to find something unique: a 45 solar radii F-class supergiant, designated HD 191612 9, is in a planetary orbit. As of 3308/10/17, this is the only known case where an F-class supergiant is in a planetary orbit.

Because of this orbital configuration, HD 191612 9 is not included in the standard exploration data set that every member of the Pilot's Federation receives from Universal Cartographics, despite the fact that the star is not only three times the radius of its parent star, but it's more luminous as well.

HD 191612 System Map

As the F-class supergiant is in a planetary orbit of the O-class star, it is essentially "chained" to it.

Visitors will also find Prasinum Bioluminescent Anemones on several landable bodies in the system.

ID64 Address:2261159
EDSM ID:24743429

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 0
 Past Week: 1
 Total: 44

EDSM Estimated Value

 Scanned: 230,739
 Mapped: 734,528

Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Via Gravitatis  1,028.82  6.82  KOI 1701 
NGC 6842 planetary nebula  1,051.20  3.41  CSI+29‑19529 
AMP Plains  1,052.34  4.64  NGC 6842 Sector P... 
A Mercurial Circumnavigation  1,743.98  3.81  Smojeia LI‑E c14‑1 
Taylor's Ring  1,857.23  3.91  Sifou MU‑N c7‑0 
Michellins Stars  2,193.08  1.40  Smojeia CH‑B d14‑4 
Traikeou Goliaths  2,390.19  2.75  Traikeou AA‑A h4 
Mordor Ice Rally Circuit  2,638.94  5.05  Traikeou KB‑X b18‑0 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
V1357 Cygni  908.33  N/A  V1357 Cygni 
Via Gravitatis  1,028.82  N/A  KOI 1701 
NGC 6842  1,051.20  N/A  Csi+29‑19529 
V404 Cygni  1,216.28  N/A  V404 Cygni 
NGC 6871  1,511.12  N/A  V1820 Cygni 
Sifou Bubble Depot  1,522.58  N/A  Sifou WK‑I b37‑1 
Devil's Foot Depot  1,531.42  N/A  Byoi Thua MS‑S d4‑9 
Planet of Slightly Lesser ...  1,544.30  N/A  Blaa Eohn YZ‑G d10‑0 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
J8G‑25F  jallas garage  2025‑03‑06 18:19:27 
Messages for this POI:
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