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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
In Pink Haze

★ RARE ★
Created: 2022-09-01 18:45:38 Last Edited: 2022-09-01 21:59:54
  Submitted by: Arcanic on behalf of Alesha78
Star System:Syrive KR-W d1-144
Coordinates:2877.84 / 59.6875 / 54203.9
Sol Distance: 54,280.3 ly
Region:Formorian Frontier
Category:Green Gas Giants


A Class II Green Gas Giant with spots of green and a pink equatorial cloud band.


This Class II Green Gas Giant is on the far side of the galaxy from Sol, and it's a great sightseeing destination for those traveling along the route to Beagle Point. As with nearly every Class II GGG, its primary white color is still present, but patchy cloud patterns of pink are randomly spread around the upper atmosphere, still allowing a good amount of bioluminescent green to appear as well.

Dark Side

The only consistent formation on the planet is the hazy pink and green cloud band that encircles the planet at its equator. This planet also has four landable moons, the second of which has a thin ammonia atmosphere, providing a great landscape to view the green gas giant hanging above the horizon.

from moon

ID64 Address:4958883700371
EDSM ID:51938011
System Map
System Map
Uploaded by Arcanic

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 0
 Past Week: 1
 Total: 118

EDSM Estimated Value

 Scanned: 155,330
 Mapped: 507,636

Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Stretch's Eye  3,287.70  2.98  Truechoae XE‑Q b19‑4 
Crystal Alley  4,809.04  4.77  Ploea Brou NO‑A b... 
Jino's Spires  5,336.76  3.61  Auphaibs OY‑Y d1‑21 
Abyssal Island  5,681.32  3.97  Pyrie Thua FF‑R d4‑1 
Formorian Sanctuary  5,698.90  4.61  Preae Chroa JE‑I ... 
Minerva's Earrings  6,144.27  3.19  Qaugnaae GL‑Y e0 
Plio's Sphere  6,626.59  2.14  Plio Chruia VY‑U ... 
The Wall of Asgard  8,256.36  3.29  Cheia Drye RU‑V d3‑2 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
The Great Wall of Syrivai  1,010.68  N/A  Syrivai UY‑R d4‑67 
Vendetta's Gate  1,467.96  N/A  Qauthoea WM‑W d1‑40 
Broae Nebula  1,824.74  N/A  Pro Broae HR‑N e6‑21 
Violetaria  2,369.54  N/A  Blo Chroa UE‑R e4‑18 
Glaciem Nebula  3,163.91  N/A  Blo Chroa ZE‑R e4‑6 
The Astral Shroud Nebula  3,442.99  N/A  Preia Byoea VU‑X ... 
Shadow Earth  3,708.31  N/A  Smootoae VE‑R d4‑134 
Derthek's Folly (also ...  3,711.34  N/A  Drooteou PW‑I a36‑4 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
TLY‑81K  SCG TARPON  2024‑08‑09 12:23:30 
Messages for this POI:
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