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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Ben Uaine

Created: 2024-03-30 16:16:21 Last Edited: 2024-04-05 19:33:52
  Discovered and Submitted by: CMDR Transom
Star System:Phaa Ain GG-N d7-29
Coordinates:-4039.25 / 550.812 / -4196.88
Sol Distance: 5,850.87 ly
Region:Elysian Shore
Category:Planetary Features
 Explorer Rating
(18 votes, 2.83 avg.stars)

A tall mountain rising 8.4 km above the vast valley floor below, Ben Uaine gets its name from its vibrant green colour contrasted with the Martian-like orange of its surroundings.


Situated on the B 4 a moon, Ben Uaine is one of two bright green mountains towering high above its surrounding plains, tall enough to be visible from orbit. Treating the explorer to a beautiful contrast of orange and green, the Martian-like soil of the moon's relatively flat surface is broken abruptly by these two green giants.

The taller of the two mountains, Ben Uaine, rises 8,400 metres above the surrounding valley. Climbing to its summit can be difficult, but pilots flying smaller ships can have an easier time of it: they can land on several of the "false summits" around the pinnacle of this emerald giant. As the surface gravity is only 0.14 g, taking an SRV up the mountainside is also an option... and maybe down from the summit as well.

At the right times, the view above can be quite remarkable: the Heart and Soul nebulae are close enough to be visible in the soft blue-green sky, and a cluster of luminous blue stars (from the 2MASS survey) can also be seen.

View from the Summit

ID64 Address:1006071039939

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 0
 Past Week: 0
 Total: 7

EDSM Estimated Value

 Scanned: 91,079
 Mapped: 285,754

Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Rhadamanthus's Eye  819.59  6.68  Gludgoea AA‑A e25 
Twin Rubies  1,478.33  2.14  Hegaa HJ‑E b16‑0 
Tater Salad  1,560.35  2.98  Sleguae NA‑H c13‑22 
Xeplýnete  2,342.72  3.19  Scheau Phoe ZB‑B ... 
Two in Tow  2,377.01  3.08  Gludgoe DU‑E c25‑5 
Project Dynasty: Formidine...  2,537.98  4.52  Eafots EU‑R c4‑1 
Dual Eden  2,576.61  2.20  Hegoi RR‑H b37‑4 
Peppermint Stripes  2,759.78  4.78  Oochody AA‑Y c17‑1 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Fireflies  462.56  N/A  2MASS J02351897+6... 
Altera's Eye  656.57  N/A  IC 1805 Sector DQ... 
IC 1805  656.57  N/A  IC 1805 Sector DQ... 
CoR Listening Post 'Al...  1,025.62  N/A  IC 1848 Sector IS... 
Moore‑Nauenberg  1,053.73  N/A  Phroea Phoe RD‑S ... 
NGC 659 Open Cluster  1,141.11  N/A  NGC 659 Sector BG... 
A Heart of Gold  1,244.14  N/A  Sleguae HH‑C d67 
NGC 663 Open Cluster  1,292.20  N/A  NGC 663 Sector YJ... 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
VLK‑06X  MAGNETAR  2024‑10‑19 18:54:31 
Messages for this POI:
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