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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Graveyard Ghosts

Created: 2024-02-07 21:06:36 Last Edited: 2024-02-08 14:37:03
  Submitted by: CMDR Marx on behalf of multiple CMDRs (see the Codex)
Star System:Wepaa BA-A g1735
Coordinates:-9658.31 / -792.312 / 23572.6
Sol Distance: 25,486.8 ly
Region:Odin's Hold
Category:Notable Stellar Phenomena
 Explorer Rating
(18 votes, 4.39 avg.stars)

Seven types of Anomalies around black holes within 500 ly of this system: the largest and most diverse Anomaly-area in the galaxy.

Notice: This POI shares the same star system with a prior existing entry in the Galactic Mapping Project (GMP). You can visit the original entry using the link below:

    Wepaa Stellar Graveyard (regional), Wepaa BA-A g1735


This system was first mentioned by the Mercury 7 expedition of 3302 as being in an area where there seemed to be a larger than usual number of black holes - even for the galactic core. There was nothing of note inside this system itself, it was just used as a marker. However, two years later, explorers started reporting sightings of ghostly Anomalies inside Notable Stellar Phenomena here, and in many nearby systems as well.

E04-Type Anomaly

These Anomalies appear in systems with black holes in a 500 ly radius around Wepaa BA-A g1735. This is much larger than the usual radius within which Anomalies appear, which is 10 ly, or sometimes 100 ly. What's more, unlike most places in the galaxy where only one type of Anomalies appear, there's a total of seven Types here. Besides the ones classified as E04-Type Anomalies, there are six other K-Type Anomalies: K-01, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08.
This means that this area is by far the largest concentration of Anomalies in the galaxy, both in diversity and in the size of the area itself.

K06-Type Anomaly

While the ghostly lights might appear to be foreboding, approaching them is quite safe. Many other similar Anomalies in the galaxy tend to react to ships approaching within 200 meters of them, but these ones are quite passive. A few kinds (such as K-03) do constantly emit some radiation, which scrambles on-board HUDs and deals light damage to shields, but even they are Mostly Harmless.

Is this a Raxxla?

Notable Stellar Phenomena within 100 ly of nebulae can contain colourful Lagrange clouds. Although the Wepaa sector contains over a dozen planetary nebulae, the one that stands out is the Wepaa MH-V e2-5352 planetary nebula, as that one is within the NSP area and its central black hole houses Anomalies of its own.

Wepaa MH-V e2-5352 nebula, seen from 3.5 ly away

Note that flying through Lagrange clouds in systems that only contain a black hole can be dangerous. The thicker clouds absorb what little light comes from the stars in the sky, and although the Anomalies roaming inside can be seen, the metallic crystals and mineral spheres can be much more difficult to notice. When flying at high speeds, Commanders might only notice them only when it's too late. See the picture below:

K03-Type Anomalies, and Murderous Mineral Spheres

Take care not to collide with anything! And remember, the Anomalies don't emit anything other than light, so any sounds you might hear are the products of your own imagination.

ID64 Address:116450521686
EDSM ID:12946353

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 0
 Past Week: 0
 Total: 39

EDSM Estimated Value

 Scanned: 44,730
 Mapped: 65,824

Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Azure Respite planetary ne...  2,329.83  3.63  Dumbio YO‑A e308 
Gravity Betrothed  2,698.05  5.99  Drumboa AA‑A h73 
Abeona's Blessing  2,800.87  7.20  Dryooe Prou FF‑Z ... 
Collection of Lesser Wonders  3,176.56  5.46  Phoi Scraa AA‑A h711 
Golden Cradle  3,228.07  7.21  Drumbaae AA‑A h378 
Columbus's Peak  3,392.59  3.37  Eorgh Prou SI‑J d... 
Three of a Kind  3,610.59  6.41  Phoo Scroi AA‑A h3 
Three and a Crown  3,623.56  3.96  Eol Prou AA‑A h112 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Wepaa Stellar Graveyard  0.03  N/A  Wepaa BA‑A g1735 
Ammutseba  252.07  N/A  Wepaa BA‑A g1712 
Wings of Mercury  371.32  N/A  Wepaa FG‑Y g1750 
Ghadamon  394.80  N/A  Wepaa FG‑Y g35 
Agnairt Supernova Remnant  456.94  N/A  Agnairt BB‑O e6‑2561 
The Foschia Porpora Nebula  526.55  N/A  Agnairt YF‑O e6‑3128 
Manley Nebula  542.90  N/A  Agnairt VZ‑P e5‑4366 
Matariels Tears  565.54  N/A  Wepaa ST‑R e4‑2384 
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