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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Eden's Gate

Created: 2022-12-07 04:50:33 Last Edited: 2022-12-07 14:51:26
  Discovered and Submitted by: CMDRExorcist
Star System:Dryeia Blou JT-F c25-0
Coordinates:13498.8 / -1021.31 / 29457.8
Sol Distance: 32,419.5 ly
Region:Arcadian Stream
Category:Sights and Scenery
Carrier Callsign:H5K-5XV (out of position)
Eden's Gate
Col 285 Sector TO-N b21-1 (2872125040081)
Last Event: 2025-03-13 23:57:33


Eden's Gate is a collection of closely orbiting ringed worlds with landable moons.


Eden's Gate is a gorgeous star system on the edge of the galactic core that contains two ringed worlds in close orbit of the star and each other, and both of them have landable moons. The orbital and rotational period of these worlds are very short and provide for exceptional views from multiple planetary bodies. In fact, there are stunning sky views from almost every landable body in the system.

A complete video tour of the system is available here.

As of 3308, this system is home to the permanent deep space fleet carrier H5K-5XV Eden's Gate owned by the system's original discovering Commander.

ID64 Address:106534513114
EDSM ID:75073411

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 
 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Latte Verde  2,738.45  4.02  Squern AF‑N c21‑0 
Eden's Misty Gem  2,742.00  6.22  Braisoo HD‑Q d6‑11 
Starlit Dreamscape  6,386.71  4.61  Hypua Pruae ZR‑H ... 
Dioscuri Blue  6,390.89  5.68  Dryoi Bli OS‑U f2... 
Phoenix Twins  6,762.07  3.19  Pheia Auscs XU‑X ... 
Scylla and Charybdis  7,355.00  6.31  Phrooe Blou AA‑A h62 
Lost Ring River  7,577.09  4.40  Athaiwyg NQ‑W b5‑1 
Riddle's Montes  7,689.64  2.75  Hypi Aoscs FG‑Y d655 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Eden's Gate  0.07  N/A  Dryeia Blou JT‑F ... 
Zenithar Nebula  1,414.24  N/A  Baulaa LG‑Y e1 
Eembaist Torment  2,356.67  N/A  Eembaist AA‑A h0 
Latte Verde  2,738.45  N/A  Squern AF‑N c21‑0 
Aetheris  2,963.85  N/A  Phrua Pruae RO‑Q ... 
Eon’s Shroud  3,249.46  N/A  Stuemoa AQ‑P e5‑48 
Razor Blue  3,258.72  N/A  Squern UZ‑L c9‑1 
Eden Project  3,313.48  N/A  Eok Blao YA‑F d11... 

Carriers Last Seen in this System:

 Callsign   Name  Date 
TZM‑BVF  SPIRIT OF THE NOMAI  2024‑06‑08 02:14:38 
Messages for this POI:
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