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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Latte Verde

★ RARE ★
Created: 2022-10-18 19:38:03 Last Edited: 2022-10-18 21:04:50
  Submitted by: Arcanic on behalf of Reverse Samurai
Star System:Squern AF-N c21-0
Coordinates:13949 / -934.688 / 26758
Sol Distance: 30,190 ly
Region:Arcadian Stream
Category:Green Gas Giants


A latte-colored Class I Green Gas giant scattered with small maroon storms.


This class I Green Gas Giant has many small dark red storms scattered about its surface layers, with minimal green streaks visible. The surface itself looks rough and dirty. Unlike most class I Green Gas Giants, this planet does not have any maroon coloration around its poles.

ID64 Address:107272775610
EDSM ID:27008139

EDSM Traffic Report

 Past Day: 0
 Past Week: 0
 Total: 52

EDSM Estimated Value

 Scanned: 46,077
 Mapped: 145,506

Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Eden's Gate  2,738.45  5.07  Dryeia Blou JT‑F ... 
Starlit Dreamscape  4,741.10  4.61  Hypua Pruae ZR‑H ... 
Lost Ring River  5,170.96  4.40  Athaiwyg NQ‑W b5‑1 
Eden's Misty Gem  5,250.13  6.22  Braisoo HD‑Q d6‑11 
Riddle's Montes  5,335.81  2.75  Hypi Aoscs FG‑Y d655 
Phoenix Twins  6,259.08  3.19  Pheia Auscs XU‑X ... 
Dioscuri Blue  7,403.55  5.68  Dryoi Bli OS‑U f2... 
Hear no evil, See no evil,...  7,763.68  2.97  Lyrongou SO‑R e4‑407 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Latte Verde  0.00  N/A  Squern AF‑N c21‑0 
Razor Blue  803.56  N/A  Squern UZ‑L c9‑1 
Aetheris  1,695.05  N/A  Phrua Pruae RO‑Q ... 
Zenithar Nebula  2,020.17  N/A  Baulaa LG‑Y e1 
Dusks End  2,073.56  N/A  Cloomae MM‑W e1‑1 
DSSA Bougainville  2,128.66  N/A  Eock Bluae QL‑X c1‑1 
Hawking's Nebula  2,145.85  N/A  Eock Bluae JQ‑Y d1 
Eon’s Shroud  2,188.40  N/A  Stuemoa AQ‑P e5‑48 
Messages for this POI:

Revision History:

 Edited By  Edited Date 
 CMDR Marx   2022-10-18 21:04:50 
 Arcanic   2022-10-18 19:38:03 
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