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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Nibbling Cat

Created: 2022-08-21 14:29:09 Last Edited: 2022-08-22 11:38:20
  Submitted by: KOLUMBUS
Star System:Schiqaea WA-V c3-0
Coordinates:-37102.2 / 419.125 / 40059.3
Sol Distance: 54,603.1 ly
Region:The Void
Category:Sights and Scenery


On this Earth-like world there is a continent in the form of a happy cat, which is nibbling from the neighbouring archipelago.


In the Schiqaea WA-V c3-0 system there are 19 celestial bodies, with a unique sight hidden among them.

First, there are two water worlds and an Earth-like world near the first star.

From orbit, the Earth-like world's land masses look as if the planet was populated by happy cats, one of which is clearly visible nibbling with pleasure on a neighbouring continent.

Unfortunately, due to the lighting conditions, the cat cannot be seen from the surface of the planet's moon.

ID64 Address:21642981922

EDSM Traffic Report

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 Past Week: 

EDSM Estimated Value


Nearest GEC Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Distant Wonder  1,992.76  5.85  Pro Flee UY‑Q c18‑0 
Life in the MU‑D  3,512.57  3.65  Seqaae MU‑D d13‑3 
Palatine‑Franconian Lighth...  8,577.98  3.88  Kasu AA‑A h0 
Diamonds in the Rough  11,642.09  4.31  Hypao Chraea VQ‑T... 
Aquila's Enclave  12,000.29  3.30  Shaukaae QS‑U d2‑0 
Alastor  14,785.81  6.67  Flyoo Groa SO‑Z e0 
Asterius  14,794.89  7.45  Flyoo Groa XW‑W c... 
Maledictus Luna  16,999.91  7.24  Dryu Chraea FH‑D ... 

Nearest GMP Neighbors:

 POI Name  Distance  Rating   System 
Flyae Proae Planetary Nebula  2,936.64  N/A  Flyae Proae IN‑S ... 
The Amphitheatre  5,468.55  N/A  Slacheae CK‑A d0 
DSSA Hope Dempsey  5,495.86  N/A  Hypuae Bra RX‑L d7‑2 
Ísland Depot  5,673.44  N/A  Hypuae Bra WI‑B c... 
Erikson's Star  6,917.78  N/A  Sphiesi HX‑L d7‑0 
Phraa Bloae Planetary Nebula  9,022.35  N/A  Phraa Bloae IX‑T ... 
DSSA Erikson’s Gateway  9,320.94  N/A  Hypoe Bloae KZ‑Z ... 
DSSA Chrysaetos Refuge  10,433.86  N/A  Xothae MA‑A d2 
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