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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Original submission for Ost-in-Edhil

Original submission, by PhoenixBlue [2022-08-05 19:27:05]
Syralaei FU-A d33
Planetary Features
Hawking's Gap
This system contains nine planets, all of which have rings. In addition, Planet 8 has four ringed moons, two of which are also gas giants, and forms a double planet with Planet 9.

This system contains nine planets, all of which have rings.

In addition, Planet 8 has four ringed moons, two of which are also gas giants, and forms a double planet with Planet 9.

The configuration of ringed planets and ringed moons around Planet 8 makes the system an ideal mining ground. Planet 8 D's B ring has multiple void opal and low-temperature diamond hotspots. The A ring of Planet A B contains low-temperature diamond and tritium hotspots. Planet 8's A ring contains a painite hotspot.

Planets 5 B and 5 C contain xenoflora - two species on Planet 5 B and three species on 5 C.

The name Ost-in-Edhil comes from the Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth. The city, ruled by the elf Celebrimbor, is where the Rings of Power (except for the One Ring) were forged.

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