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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Revision for Xerophyte Homestead

Previous Revision, by CMDR Marx [2025-01-20 15:12:24]Selected revision, by CMDR Marx [2025-01-20 15:14:05]
Xerophyte HomesteadXerophyte Homestead
Eodgorks FR-N e6-68Eodgorks FR-N e6-68
Norma ExpanseNorma Expanse
Two anaerobic lifeforms on four planets, notably one on a close binary and another on a terraformable ringed thin atmospheric world.Two anaerobic lifeforms on four planets, notably one on a close binary and another on a terraformable ringed thin atmospheric world.

Four bodies in this system are host to two species of extremophile life: Luteolum Anemones, which are found occasionally on hot metallic worlds, and Sinuous Tubers, found on volcanic worlds within specific zones in the galaxy. The anemones inhabit planets 1, 4, and 8, while the Sinuous Tubers are present only on one body, the nested moon 6 a a.

Eodgorks FR-N E6-68 system map

When visiting the first two bodies that house anemones, be wary of the planets' high gravities, as they can be a danger to slower ships that are coming in to land.

The 6 a a nested moon sprouts Sinuous Tubers. It consists of a very close binary of the larger 6 a moon and the smaller 6 a a nested moon, with a orbital period of five hours. The latter has surface volcanism, major silicate vapor geyser activity, caused by the strong gravitational forces.

Surface of moon 6 a a, Roseum Sinuous Tubers and moon 6 a pictured

Body 8 is a visually striking thin carbon dioxide atmosphere terraformable ringed High Metal Content world, with metallic magma volcanism under a comfortable 253 K and a heavier gravity of 1.4 g. This body is notable for being an example of airless organics thriving on a thin atmospheric world, which is a rare phenomenon.

Planet 8 from orbit

The planet's decently wide metal rich rings can be seen from high latitudes on the surface, complementing the orange hues of the atmosphere with a white stripe across the sky.

Surface of planet 8, Rubeum Luteolum Anemone pictured

Four bodies in this system are host to two species of extremophile life: Luteolum Anemones, which are found occasionally on hot metallic worlds, and Sinuous Tubers, found on volcanic worlds within specific zones in the galaxy. The anemones inhabit planets 1, 4, and 8, while the Sinuous Tubers are present only on one body, the nested moon 6 a a.

Eodgorks FR-N E6-68 system map

When visiting the first two bodies that house anemones, be wary of the planets' high gravities, as they can be a danger to slower ships that are coming in to land.

The 6 a a nested moon sprouts Sinuous Tubers. It consists of a very close binary of the larger 6 a moon and the smaller 6 a a nested moon, with a orbital period of five hours. The latter has surface volcanism, major silicate vapor geyser activity, caused by the strong gravitational forces.

Surface of moon 6 a a, Roseum Sinuous Tubers and moon 6 a pictured

Body 8 is a visually striking thin carbon dioxide atmosphere terraformable ringed High Metal Content world, with metallic magma volcanism under a comfortable 253 K and a heavier gravity of 1.4 g. This body is notable for being an example of airless organics thriving on a thin atmospheric world, which is a rare phenomenon.

The planet's decently wide metal rich rings can be seen from high latitudes on the surface, complementing the orange hues of the atmosphere with a white stripe across the sky.

Surface of planet 8, Rubeum Luteolum Anemone pictured

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