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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Revision for Beacon of Radiance

Previous Revision, by CMDR Marx [2025-01-10 15:55:56]Selected revision, by CMDR Marx [2025-01-10 15:57:52]
Beacon of RadianceBeacon of Radiance
Skaude AA-A h45Skaude AA-A h45
Stellar FeaturesStellar Features
Inner Scutum-Centaurus ArmInner Scutum-Centaurus Arm
The third ever discovered ringed F type star, and the only Ringed F type with visible rings. Also the widest and heaviest rings orbiting such a star.The third ever discovered ringed F type star, and the only Ringed F type with visible rings. Also the widest and heaviest rings orbiting such a star.

Located at the North-Eastern side of the Skaude sector, a high-mass black hole system contains an extraordinarily rare object: a ringed class F star. To date, only two other such stars have been discovered, and their ring systems are so thin that they aren't visible to the naked eye.

The ringed white star also holds the record of the heaviest and widest rings around this star type.

It houses two gas giants as its moons, both of which are ringed, but have no satellites of their own.

The first body in the system, a regular class K orange star, is orbited by a landable ringed rocky moon (1 f), which's surface offers good views of the ringed star.

This system is relatively close to the Collection of Wonders, and was first discovered by CMDR Boogyman, who sold the data to Universal Cartographics but didn't document it nor mentioned it to others. Its significance was later recognized by CMDR Regza, when he rediscovered it in early 3311.

Located at the North-Eastern side of the Skaude sector, a high-mass black hole system contains an extraordinarily rare object: a ringed class F star. To date, only two other such stars have been discovered, and their ring systems are so thin that they aren't visible to the naked eye.

The ringed white star also holds the record of the heaviest and widest rings around this star type.

It houses two gas giants as its moons, both of which are ringed, but have no satellites of their own.

The first body in the system, a regular class K orange star, is orbited by a landable ringed rocky moon (1 f), which's surface offers good views of the ringed star.

This system is somewhat close to the Collection of Wonders 1,500 ly away, and was first discovered by CMDR Boogyman, who sold the data to Universal Cartographics but didn't document it nor mentioned it to others. Its significance was later recognized by CMDR Regza, when he rediscovered it in early 3311.

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