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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Revision for Vulcan Botanical Gardens

Previous Revision, by CMDR Marx [2024-01-31 22:19:14]Selected revision, by CMDR Marx [2024-01-31 22:21:22]
Vulcan Botanical GardensVulcan Botanical Gardens
Stueloea PE-E d13-97Stueloea PE-E d13-97
Vulcan GateVulcan Gate
This system in Vulcan Gate contains 33 exoflora, including three planets with eight or more exoflora species each.This system in Vulcan Gate contains 33 exoflora, including three bodies with eight or more species each.

This system is home to more than 30 species of exoflora, including three planets with eight or more species of plant life.

Bodies 1 a and 1 b both have thin water atmospheres, giving the worlds blue skies. The two moons have similar plant species, possibly owing to panspermia due to their proximity: they are less than 2 light-seconds apart.

Both bodies are host to three high-value species of plant life, including Cactoida Vermis, Osseus Discus, Tussock Virgam, and different species of Clypeus.

Body 4 e orbits a Sudarsky Class II gas giant and has an atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide. About half the planet's exoflora, including Tussock Caputus and Fungoida Gelata, are confined to small patches on the moon's surface, only a few kilometers across. Data for locations of these plants is stored in Canonn's SRV Survey database.

However, the Aleoida and Tubus plants grow more widely on the world and are easier to locate.

Bodies 4 d and 4 f have four and three species of exoflora, respectively.

This system is home to more than thirty species of exoflora, including three bodies with eight or more species of plant life.

Bodies 1 a and 1 b both have thin water atmospheres, giving the worlds blue skies. The two moons have similar plant species, possibly owing to panspermia due to their proximity: they are less than 2 light-seconds apart.

Both bodies are host to three high-value species of plant life, including Cactoida Vermis, Osseus Discus, Tussock Virgam, and different species of Clypeus.

Body 4 e orbits a Sudarsky Class II gas giant and has an atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide. About half the planet's exoflora, including Tussock Caputus and Fungoida Gelata, are confined to small patches on the moon's surface, only a few kilometers across. Data for locations of these plants is stored in Canonn's SRV Survey database.

However, the Aleoida and Tubus plants grow more widely on the world and are easier to locate.

Bodies 4 d and 4 f have four and three species of exoflora, respectively.

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