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 - Galactic Exploration Catalog - 
Revision for Gates of Alighieri

Previous Revision, by Richard Fluiraniz M. [2022-05-20 19:49:38]Selected revision, by CMDR Marx [2023-05-22 13:27:59]
Chankk Saotome
Gates of AlighieriGates of Alighieri
Blaei Eun CF-E b39-0Blaei Eun CF-E b39-0
Planetary FeaturesPlanetary Features
Lyra's SongLyra's Song
Planet orbits < 1.5 Ls from Star (Fuel Scooping while in Glide)Planet orbits less than 1.5 ls from its star. Fuel scooping is possible while gliding down to the surface.

An extremely hot planet very close to the main star, was found during The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition and acted as Basecamp 23 during DECE. The planet changes between 1.23 Ls and 1.53 Ls over it's 2.8 hour orbit.

Surface temperature of this landable planet is 1185K and puts it to second place in surface temp right behind Betelgeuse 2. It's distance from the main star is also less than Skardee 1 has from the main star (source).

Extreme heat warning advisory.

A rare landable body with Oxygen atmosphere is found on the C star, as the second body (Blaei Eun CF-E b39-0 C 2) it features bacterial life.

This body was recently visited by the Magellan Experience

Astrophotography by CMDR Black Taurus

(GMP POI Resubmission only - Discovered by Chankk Saotome)

An extremely hot planet that's very close to the main star of the system: its distance changes between 1.23 ls and 1.53 ls over its 2.8 hour orbit. This can be close enough that a ship gliding down from supercruise to the planet's surface can still have its fuel scoop engaged.

The planet is landable, with an average surface temperature of 1,185 K. As usual with such extreme temperatures, caution is advised when disembarking.

This planet was found during the Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition and was designated there as Basecamp 23.

In addition, body C 2 in the system is a landable thin Oxygen atmosphere planet. It features surface life, but only in the form of bacterial mats.

Astrophotography by CMDR Black Taurus

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